Monday, September 16, 2024

Inject Into Blood Donors What Happens Next

About 1 out of every 4 blood donors does not make a subsequent donation, according to a past study reported by researchers at University of Groningen, University of Hamburg, and Pennsylvania State University. Based on their own studies, the researchers say that a promising technique for increasing re-donation rates is to inform donors how the blood they’ve already given has been used.
     In one of the studies, some past blood donors received a thank you which added a message that their donation had been used to help save a life. Another group of past blood donors received only the thank you. Each participant was then asked to state their degree of intention to give blood at the next possible blood drive.
     Those people who received the “helped save a life” message reported a stronger re-donation intention than did those not receiving this message. Naming the specific hospital where the donation was used didn’t make much difference compared to saying only that the donation helped save a life. Accompanying studies did indicate that the influence of the message was greater when delivered soon after a donation compared to soon before the availability for the person to donate again. However, an uplift from the message still occurred even when used with donors who had been inactive for a while.
     Data for the studies was collected from people in both Germany and Austria. That the effectiveness of the “helped save a life” was seen in both countries is of note because attitudes toward donation of body parts is dramatically different for these two. In Germany, where a citizen must opt in if they want to be an organ donor, only 12% do so. Next door in Austria, where organ donation is the default option at the time of death, the rate is almost 100%.
     The value of telling donors what happens to their contributions is also seen with recycling. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University and Boston College found that rates were increased by showing people ads demonstrating how recycled items are transformed into new items. This worked regardless of whether the transformed item is similar to the recycled item (material from recycled soda cans being used to produce new soda cans) or quite different (material from recycled soda cans being used to produce bicycle frames). Considering the potential of trash inspires people to engage in the socially responsible behavior of recycling potential trash.

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Mine Golden Veins for Blood Donations 
Show Products Made of Recycled Items 

Image at top of post based on photo by Cassi Josh from Unsplash

Monday, September 9, 2024

Vary Item Assortment to Fit Crisis Status

Researchers at Columbia University and University of British Columbia had study participants shop for candy in an area with either wide or narrow aisles. Those shopping among the narrow aisles chose a greater variety of candy bars and more unfamiliar brands. The same pattern of results was seen with supermarket shoppers. The researchers explain the findings by saying that when customers in Western cultures are shopping in tight quarters, they feel a loss of control, and that being able to select from a variety of items helps restore the balance.
     We might argue that variety seeking would instead decrease when consumers feel a loss of control. It seems people would seek choice familiarity to ease stress associated with unpredictability and they’d embrace social conformity to increase comfort derived from interpersonal relationships.
     A study at University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, and Wake Forest University concluded that the direction in which loss of control drives consumer variety seeking depends on a factor few might predict: Political orientation.
     The researchers saw this by considering a crisis with a substantially greater threat to control then narrow aisles in the candy section. They analyzed over 32 million transactions in 687 U.S. grocery stores occurring before and during the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
     As part of the study, the researchers also defined the political orientation of the county in which each of the grocery stores was located. The proportion of Republican votes in the year 2020 presidential election was used for this, with a high proportion defining a conservative county and a low proportion indicating a liberal county.
     The data analyses indicated that in normal circumstances, when there is no crisis, politically conservative shoppers seek more variety in grocery purchases than do politically liberal shoppers. Then during a crisis, conservatives’ drive for variety drops, while that of liberals climbs.
     Perhaps these patterns are explained by variations in how conservatives and liberals conceptualize change and social conformity. We do know that, overall, the brain structures of political conservatives and liberals differ in the distribution of gray matter.
     Whatever the explanation for their findings, though, the researchers note evidence that widespread environmental threats which affect consumer decision making are increasing in frequency, and so they recommend retailers prepare to fit each stores’ item assortment to the political orientation of the local community and the stage of any threats to shoppers’ personal control.

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Give Shoppers Variety for Control 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Clean Up by Prompting People to Clear Out

Item resale requires an ongoing influx of used merchandise. Some of those items are probably residing in your customers’ possession purgatories—a state between use and discard. People usually don’t think much about the particulars of what’s in their possession purgatory inventory. When they consider this at all, it tends to be as “stuff I should decide someday what to do with” rather than “pajamas with the Christmas tree designs,” “earrings which are too large for my tastes,” and so on.
     A secondhand merchandise store offering trade-in deals to prior customers energizes the inventory influx. Be specific in your ad messages and with your face-to-face selling: “We’re having a great sale on sleepwear. We offer credit on gently used pajamas as well as other clothes you might have stored away.” Give prompts for different specific item categories at different store visits by shoppers and you’ll start them thinking what they can bring in to your place.
     Prior customers are prime prospects because they’re familiar with your business and the used-merchandise resale process. A set of studies at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and City University of Hong Kong uncovered something else, too: People are more willing to resell items they purchased secondhand, such as from you, than equivalent items obtained unused.
     Of the reasons for this effect which were assessed by the researchers, the strongest was that purchasers feel their self-identity is reflected less clearly in resale items than in items purchased unused. This was found true when study participants were asked to imagine purchases and resales of a North Face McMurdo Parka, the latest model of a Nintendo Switch, and a collector’s edition of a themed LEGO set.
     The connection between willingness to dispose of items one owns and feeling of being true to the self (i.e., self-authenticity) was seen in a City, University of London and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology project. Plus, the impact was broader than on just supplying more stock for resellers. In each of a set of studies, one group of consumers was first asked to think about a situation in which they were completely being themselves. The other group was asked to think about a situation where they were not being themselves. The studies together concluded that those who had thought about not being themselves became more likely to resell their apparel, replace instead of repair broken electronics, and declutter at home.

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Resell Consumers on Buying Used Items