Sunday, September 6, 2009

Go Out There and Make More Money

In my postings on this RIMtailing blog and in collaborating with Art Freedman to produce Making Money Is Not Illegal, Immoral or Fattening, I've aimed to give you tested ideas for improving your profitability. But if you don’t implement any of the ideas, you've not used your time profitably. Because you're busy, implementation might mean taking small steps each day, not waiting until you have all resources in place to take gigantic steps.
Here's how the book makes that point in the last paragraphs:
"How much time every week do you spend planning to be better? I would hope you'd have an answer for me. It should be right on top of your head, right there. 'Here's what we're doing every day. Here's what we're doing every week. Here's what we're doing every month to be better because that is how great retailers build their businesses.'
"They've built the business by getting a little bit better every day. You know what? If you are looking for the one great idea, the one thing that will take you from here to there, that one absolutely phenomenal idea, it doesn't exist any more. It's not out there. We'd be looking for something that is not there anymore. What we need to do now as competition gets tougher and tougher and tougher is to make little baby steps every single day so that at the end of the week, we're that much better, and at the end of the month, we're even better.
"The top two reasons that the owners of small to midsize retail businesses do not make more money is that they lack the courage it takes and the ability to make the tough decisions. Now's the time to go beyond thinking to doing. Go out there and make more money."

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