Saturday, April 24, 2010

Use Your Employees' Favorite Words

What set of words do your employees most love to hear others in their lives say to them? They like it more than "Thank you" or "Time to go home." Although they'll no doubt flash an especially bright smile at, "Job well done," followed by, "You're getting a pay raise," the phrase I'm thinking of is even more motivating when said in the right way.
     That phrase is the employee's own name. We each love to hear others say our name as long as it's said to support us. Your employees enjoy positive recognition. The form that favorite recognition takes is different for different people. Some get a big thrill out of having the boss say their name at a staff meeting, followed by "Please stand up so we can all give you a round of applause." Others would consider that a punishing experience. Rather than be the center of attention or risk getting teased by coworkers, those employees would much prefer to have the boss come by their work area, say their name, and give them praise for specifics the boss has identified as profit making.
     Put this favorite phrase—the employee's own name—on a business card they can hand out to their customers, and a sense of pride kicks in. The employee becomes more driven to provide dazzling service.
     Not every employee should get a set of business cards. Make it a part of the rite of passage as an employee moves from probationary to regular employment status. And not every customer gets a business card from the employee. The cards are reserved for staff-customer interactions where the employee has special pride in what has happened.
     Motivated employees boost your profits. The employee's name, said with deserved praise and printed on business cards, is a powerful motivator.

For your profitability: Sell Well: What Really Moves Your Shoppers

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