Which of these two is more attractive to shoppers?
- $29.99 for 70 rolls
- 70 rolls for $29.99
Researchers at Virginia Tech say to put the even quantity before the odd price. The second phrasing of the two above is more likely to draw buyers.
How about these two?
- $29.99 for 30 rolls
- 30 rolls for $29.99
Here the consumer appeal of the two is about the same. That’s because the consumer can easily calculate the per unit cost, so pays attention to both the $29.99 and the 30 equally. When the per unit calculation is more difficult, as in the 70 rolls for $29.99, the consumer will pay more attention to whatever is the first number given. A quantity of 70 seems like a lot for whatever you’re paying. A price of $29.99 is high enough to justify a second thought. So the appeal of the 70 units outweighs the appeal of the $29.99 price, making the “70 rolls for $29.99” the more attractive phrasing.
Convincing the customer to purchase a large quantity of an item carries profitability potential beyond the one item. The quantity purchase puts the shopper into what University of Chicago researchers called a “flow state.” A flow state has these characteristics:
- Highly focused attention, so your shopper stops vacillating about whether or not to purchase
- Playfulness, so your shopper is willing to try out new products and new brands
- Enjoyment of activities, so your shopper hesitates ending the trip to your store
- Related to this, a distorted sense of time in a way that makes a shopper less concerned about how long the shopping will take
- Confidence in overcoming any difficulties, so your shopper perseveres when searching for the best items to buy.
Activating a flow state also is a consideration with quantity-dependent price discounts.
Which of these two will lead to more profitability for you?
- 20% off if you buy at least five packages
- 20% off. Limit five packages per customer
Research at Bryant University and University of Illinois finds that the first one is better. When customers are allowed to purchase only a limited number of items at the discounted price, they are less motivated to purchase multiple items. But when customers are required to buy a minimum quantity to achieve the discount, they are more motivated to purchase multiple items and then to go on to purchase multiple quantities of additional items.
Click below for more:
Increase Purchase Quantities with Discounts
Flow Shoppers into Extra Purchases
Heal Shattered Confidence with Playthings
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