Saturday, December 5, 2009

Get Better Each Day

Here's a reminder for our readers of Making Money Is Not Illegal, Immoral or Fattening and some advice for all retailers from my coauthor, Art Freedman:
"There are four areas of your life where every single day, you either get just a little bit better or a little bit worse. Nobody stays the same. The first area is your health. Every single day, you either get less healthy or more healthy.
"The second is your personal development. Every single day, you forget things. Every day. Proven fact. So the only question is do you learn new things every day, or when you go to bed at night, are you dumber than when you woke up in the morning? That's the way it is. We have to take it upon ourselves. At your level, you are responsible for your learning. You don't have anyone else to blame if you don't learn something. People who work for you in the stores, you need to help them out a little bit, but at this level, it's all on your back. But wait a second here. You're reading this book. So you are attending to your personal development.
"The third area in which you either get better or get worse each day is your family life. It is the relationships with those closest to you and also includes your family finances. They either become stronger or weaker every single day. It's just a little bit. But over time, it's a lot."
"The fourth area is the world you and I live in—the business world. Your business either gets a little bit better or a little bit worse every day. Your business won't be the same today as it was yesterday."
For more details, see the section starting on page 12 of the book.

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