Monday, February 14, 2011

Gobble Those Valentine Chocolates Guilt-Free

Retailers are consumers. So to show my Valentine’s Day affection for my RIMtailing audience, today I’m applying research findings to reveal how to avoid guilt while eating all those premium-grade chocolate candies from your countless lovers.
     Now I could tell you there are chemicals in chocolate which create such an irresistible urge that you can’t be held responsible for unrestrained gobbling.
     Except I might be fibbing. Some say the magic of chocolate comes from it triggering the release in the brain of a set of pleasure chemicals called endorphins. However, that connection is based on animal studies. As far as I know, there is no well-designed research verifying that eating chocolate triggers an endorphin rush in the human brain.
     Claims about other chemicals in chocolate causing the attraction don’t hold up well, either. For instance, chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a compound that’s been associated with falling in love. But salami and cheese, which also contain phenylethylamine, certainly don’t draw as many fervent fans as chocolate.
     At this point, a more solid biochemical explanation for why we love chocolate is that its combination of sugar, fat, and creaminess provides us extraordinary sensual satisfaction.
     Wait. That still leaves two research-based shopper psychology tips on feeling less guilty about eating chocolate:
  • People feel much better about indulging themselves when they’ve a proud sense of achievement, such as after eating a healthy food. Just thinking about ordering at a restaurant a healthy food that doesn’t taste very good, even if you don’t end up ordering it, works. So dine with your sweetheart this evening where the menu includes low-calorie arugula salad, roasted eggplant as an entrée, and Brussels sprouts as the side dish. Don’t order any of those, of course. Get the delicious stuff, then go home to gobble your low-guilt chocolates.
  • If you’re going to eat a lot of chocolates, eat them from a succession of small packages. The drop in guilt here comes from more than saying, “Well, at least I didn’t eat twenty pieces. From one box.” It’s also that when there’s a smaller quantity of something, the scarcity triggers a compelling attraction which serves to counteract any guilt. In addition, we relax our defenses against overeating when we eat from smaller packages.
     Enjoy your gobbling. And turn around what I’ve said so your customers will truly enjoy the chocolates you give or sell them.
     Hope I helped, love.

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