Monday, November 17, 2014

Modify Feature/Feasibility Mix to Match Mood

A happy, confident shopper behaves differently from a sad, confused shopper. That fact was shown in a research study based at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Chinese University of Hong Kong, a study which refined a classic finding in consumer psychology.
     The classic finding is that when people are shopping for items to be used some time from now, they'll pay special attention to the number and distinctiveness of the items’ features. But when consumers plan to put the item to work soon, they're especially interested in ease of use.
     This newer research concludes that how this operates depends on the shopper’s mood. If the shopper’s objective is to make a carefully considered purchase decision, the classic finding holds more strongly for happy shoppers than for sad shoppers. However, if the shopper’s objective is to make a quick decision, the classic finding holds more strongly for sad than for happy shoppers.
     Other researchers looking at this issue suggest that with high-confidence shoppers, you describe the overall and longer-term benefits of the product or service you’d like the shopper to buy. If it’s a health club membership, these high-level benefits could include the possibilities of a longer life and relief from physical pain. By contrast, with low-confidence shoppers, the benefits of interest could center on items like the ease of getting to the health club.
     For a product like a big screen TV, the high-level benefits could be the ability of the family to enjoy programs together, while the low-level benefits could be the ease of operation.
     In some cases, you can guess how soon a shopper plans to start using the purchase. Certain items are likely to be last-minute searches. Floral bouquets and hot water heaters come to mind. With these, you don't need to depend on sales staff contact to get the message across. In your advertising and signage, you could feature ease of delivery, ease of installation, ease of learning, and other angles on ease of use.
     With other purchases, it pays to ask shoppers how soon they plan to start using what they’re considering. Knowing this allows you to present the most compelling balance between desirability and feasibility benefits, between the emotional appeal and the objective assessment. You don't have time to tell the prospect everything. Home in on what will make a sale which benefits both the purchaser and your bottom line.

Click below for more: 
Satisfy Sad Shoppers with Prompt Rewards 
Accent the Emotions when Imminent Usage 
Present High-Level Benefits to the Confident 
Inject Distance for Price-Quality Link 
Shorten the Term of Retail Therapy 
Emphasize the Price to Spotlight Functionality

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