Friday, January 10, 2020

Pilot Sales Increases with Store Flyer Design

Among tools available to retailers for encouraging store visits and purchases are multipage flyers inserted into newspapers or mailed as freestanding pieces. Because of how often flyers are used worldwide, researchers at University of Barcelona and University of Almería recognized the importance of determining what design considerations increase effectiveness.
     Store flyers almost always feature limited-time price discounts, a technique called “feature advertising” by marketers and consumer researchers. Since the front page of the flyer is what’s seen first, capture attention by highlighting there discounts on valued items. Position the store slogan close to the announcement of a discounted price. This helps establish a lasting, distinctive, positive store image.
     The flyer can serve as an influential device for increasing store brand sales. Store brands—private label brands—offer shoppers a price advantage. Traditionally, retailers price them at an average of one-third less than the national label brand. House brands also usually offer you higher profit margins than do the corresponding national label brands. The researchers found that featuring a national brand without a slogan alongside the store brand with a price discount is especially effective in building store brand sales.
     Another fundamental objective of flyers is to portray the store as carrying a variety of merchandise which fits the store image. Shoppers are attracted to stores that offer a broad range of choices within product categories. There are two product lines where you’re especially likely to realize profitability when your shopper perceives substantial variety:
  • Product categories where you’re already seeing a dramatic increase in sales. These increases are a sign you could be a destination location for that sort of merchandise. If you’re selling lots of soccer equipment, expand the merchandise assortment to draw even more soccer equipment buyers. 
  • Product categories which are underperforming in sales compared to what you’d expect. If you’ve evidence that other retailers are selling more baked goods than you are per square foot of merchandise space, consider expanding your variety of baked goods. 
     However, don’t portray variety by producing magazine-length circulars. Limit flyers to eight pages. Beyond this, your feature advertising loses focus. Your advertising funds are worse than wasted because bulky flyers cost more to print and distribute. In addition, store image might take a hit among consumers who are socially conscious about minimizing waste. Similarly, although frequent flyers are good passengers for airlines, overly frequent flyers are bad adverting devices for store retailers.

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Give Shoppers Permission to Spend More
Show Class for Price Image
Increase Store Loyalty Using House Brands
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