Monday, July 1, 2013

Acquire Acquisitive Buyers

How nice for you to have a shopper who wants to buy yet another pair of black shoes when she already has purchased nine pair from you or a man who comes in again looking to buy a wall hanging when his walls are already filled with hangings he loves.
     In their quest for why a percentage of consumers will buy items they appear not to need at all, researchers at Fairfield University and Louisiana State University identified what they named “Acquisitive Shoppers.” These shoppers aren’t engaging in retail therapy—making purchases in order to ease sad feelings. They aren’t compulsive buyers who keep on buying products and services with such little control that the buying is self-destructive. Acquisitive Shoppers can be distinguished from consumers who hoard items or buy mostly on impulse.
     Instead, Acquisitive Shoppers discern differences in details in items which most people would perceive as identical, and Acquisitive Shoppers anticipate fine points that distinguish usage occasions—fine points which most people would consider unimportant. Acquisitive Shoppers want just the right pair of black shoes for a particular occasion they expect to be invited to sometime. They’ll buy another wall hanging, intending to use it in a guest room for a visitor scheduled to come months in the future, but concerned that if they don’t buy it now, this one-of-a-kind wall hanging may be gone.
     Acquire repeat business from Acquisitive Shoppers by catering to their peculiarities, whether they’re buying for themselves or gifts for others.
  • In the product categories you carry, find unusual items, then notify the Acquisitive Shopper of the new arrivals. 
  • Keep items behind the counter or otherwise out of sight when you anticipate the arrival of an Acquisitive Shopper. Revealing a hidden item stimulates the Acquisitive Shopper’s urge to buy. 
  • Reserve time to spend with your Acquisitive Shoppers. They exhibit what the researchers refer to as “positive perfectionism.” It’s positive for you only if a profitable purchase results. Remember that perfectionists are generally willing to pay premium prices. 
  • Recognize the desire for ever-changing product specifications. Even though the Acquisitive Shopper looks for differences in seemingly identical items, assist the process by pointing out differences yourself. 
  • Offer to customize and personalize items to meet the shopper’s requests. Rather than say, “No, we don’t do that,” say yes and set a price for it. Consider accepting special orders. Offering accessories as add-on purchases is another approach. 
For your profitability: Sell Well: What Really Moves Your Shoppers

Click below for more: 
Compulsive Buying Disorder. Okay, Laugh 
Stay Ready to Sell Luxury 
Perfect Your Salesmanship for Perfectionists 
Personalize the Shopping Experience 
Say Yes and Apply a Price 
Limit Design Support for Personalized Gifts

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