Monday, January 4, 2021

Age Vaccination Credentials

Vaccinating the world’s population against COVID-19 is more than a pharmaceutical and logistics endeavor. It also requires the psychology of persuasion. As of mid-October 2020, only about 20% of U.S. registered voters said they’d use the vaccine as soon as one became available.
     Research at China’s Sun Yat‐sen University on consumers from America’s Midwest and other geographical areas hint at one tip for increasing acceptance of the vaccine: Emphasize aspects of it which have been around for a long time. How is it similar to vaccines developed in prior decades which have proven to be successful and safe?
     The general finding is that people prefer pharmaceuticals which have a longer history. The studies did identify a consumer segment which opts for newer potions, thinking this signals increased effectiveness. It happened even when these people were told the newly and formerly developed medications were equally efficacious. But given those claims, most of the study participants expressed a preference for the treatment with the longer tenure. In a supplementary study, the researchers found that physicians, too, prefer to prescribe medications which have been around longer.
     Length of time enters into the formula of persuasion in another way as well when it comes to senior citizens. This is a subpopulation at enhanced risk for death from a COVID-19 infection, so vaccination is especially important.
     An international survey led by researchers at GSK in Belgium reported that seniors are not sufficiently conscientious about following vaccination recommendations. As we age, our immune system becomes less effective at generating the antibodies afterwards. Using a vaccine with higher doses of the antigen does not overcome the problem.
     Seniors express their reduced tolerance for taking chances by lengthening the time. When making decisions patiently, older adults are actually more accurate than are younger adults in evaluating complicated upside-downside balances among alternatives. We serve those older adults well by relaxing any impatience with their deliberative decision making.
     We can help elderly health care consumers by encouraging them to enter the situation calmly, to maintain calmness during the transactions, and to insist on enough time to calmly consider all the trade-offs prior to finalizing a decision. This holds for the length of time we should expect them to take in accurately balancing the benefits against the risks of COVID-19 inoculation.

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Vaccinate to Encourage Seniors’ Vaccinating 

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