Monday, January 3, 2022

Provoke Reports as Experiences Occur

Photos and comments taken and written by satisfied customers and shared with you can be used afterwards in your advertising, on your website, and on your store walls. These materials help persuade others of the value in what you sell. Moreover, text, photos, and videos generated by your satisfied customers and shared with others as they are consuming experiences purchased from you help them persuade themselves of the value in what you’ve sold.
     The researchers at Rutgers University and NYU analyzing this contemporaneous content generation attribute the positive effects to increased immersion of the customer into the experience. In fact, with one of examples used—a horror movie, which the participants afterwards judged to be negative—enjoyment was enhanced only with those participants for whom the recording boosted their involvement in the experience.
     The researchers acknowledge that some prior studies reported how putting resources into recording and sending impressions distances the consumer from the experience, which decreases enjoyment. But that’s not what these researchers saw. Maybe the difference is because the experiences used in the current studies were particularly compelling. A Super Bowl halftime show. A fast-paced dance performance. The horror movie.
     Maybe the difference is because the prior studies were conducted at a time when using technology to record impressions was less easy and to send impressions less continuous, and therefore more distracting, than is true these days. We’ve become highly accustomed to recording and sharing our impressions in real time. In one of their exploratory studies, the researchers found that more than 45% of tweets about the final episode of “Game of Thrones” occurred during the show. It would seem that people did not widely consider commenting on the experience of watching the show would detract from their enjoyment watching it.
     Based on their findings, the researchers recommend offering incentives or simply encouraging your customers to generate and share content about their experiences in consuming your offerings. As with photos you request customers to submit for your later use, ask customers to include you on the routing list for posts of their contemporaneous comments and media.
     Acknowledge each submission. In the same place you solicit the contributions, explain that you won’t be able to use each one. Even with this, however, people will yearn for acknowledgement. They’ve sent you something special. At any point where you find you lack the resources to acknowledge every submission, stop inviting more.

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Solicit Photos from Satisfied Customers

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