Friday, February 11, 2022

Encourage Diners to Reject What You Offer

Most fast-casual restaurant diners say that in choosing a restaurant, the ability to customize ingredients in their order is very important. People feel that the ability to customize means freshness, and almost 80% say the ability to customize is the top reason for satisfaction with their order.
     Past survey findings which support these conclusions are reported by a team of researchers at University of Denver, Colorado State University, and Vanderbilt University, who then go on to explore variations on customization. A consumer could add ingredients, such as saying what they want on their pizza. Or the consumer could subtract ingredients, such as saying what they want omitted from the standard entrée.
     The researchers found that a consumer using the omit procedure will estimate lower calories in the item even when the item ends up with identical ingredients and portions as that for the consumer who’d used the addition procedure. The researchers say that because of the attractiveness of customization and high interest in calorie management, restaurants could draw business by highlighting the diner’s ability to trim down ingredients from fully-loaded offerings. The consumer might very well choose not to trim it down, but because of the way the customization availability was presented, the consumer will perceive a lower calorie count.
     An ancillary profitability benefit for the retailer in promoting rejection over augmentation is that the price of the item could stay the same while the cost of the ingredients is less. The diner can derive value from the ability to customize, enjoying their favorite blend of flavors and the feeling of healthier eating.
     Other researchers have found differences between omit and addition presentations and with items beyond restaurant offerings. Studies at Bentley University compared two selection frames: In the first, the shopper was invited to add desired options to a base model. In the second, the shopper was invited to delete undesired options from a fully-loaded model. In the set of experiments, consumers selected a larger number of options with the delete frame. This happened most often when enjoyment would come from item use and less often with products like house paint.
     Shoppers who appreciate the appeal of the fully-loaded model become more likely to consider the price of the model with fewer options to be a good deal. Therefore, the introduction of the fully-loaded model facilitates the sale if the shopper has concerns about the prices of alternatives.

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Describe Fully-Loaded Items to the Focused 

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